I specialise in teaching professional and technical communication, writing in digital environments, and academic writing.

Since 2012, I have designed and taught classes in professional writing, academic writing, rhetoric, English, and cultural studies. Most recently, I designed, coordinated and taught Research in Writing, an advanced undergraduate and postgraduate unit which employs a Writing About Writing pedagogy to accommodate the wildly diverse student body of a large multimajor academic writing class. This work forms the basis of a current collaborative research project investigating the effectiveness of this approach in helping students in a large multimajor academic writing class develop academic research skills and discipline-specific literacies.

Earlier, at the University of Texas, I taught introductory classes in rhetoric, argumentation and literature, and was one of the course designers for the University of Texas at Austin’s standard first year composition curriculum. In my role as Assistant Director of the Digital Writing & Research Lab, I developed new lesson plans to integrate multimodal literacies into all FYC classrooms; one of these, “Making a Persuasive Infographic“, is featured in the 4th edition of How to Write Anything (October 2018).